The Princeton Preservation Group has been meeting several times per year since 1983 to hear lectures on a wide range of topica relating to the preservation of cultural artifacts, including but not limited to books, manuscripts, artwork, furniture, photographs, tombstones, Lucy the Elephant, costumes, videotapes, and buildings. Recent meetings have been held in Manalapan, Princeton, New Brunswick, Morristown, and Lawrenceville.
Among others, topics have included:
Disaster Recovery: Mold and Water Damage
Preserving Ethnic Materials
Binding Rare Books
Historic Building Conservation
Digitizing Photograph Collections
Group members include conservators, librarians, archivists, curators, historic preservation specialists, and interested others. Anyone may join.
Dues of $5 per year are used to cover postage and refreshments at meetings.
Although some of the speakers are world leaders in their respective fields, they speak for the opportunity to share information with colleagues and are not paid an honorarium.
Join today and get on the mailing list to learn of future meetings!